Starcoin On-Chain Governance Vote (Vote ID:4) passed

Sep 3, 2021


The Starcoin on-chain governance poll (poll ID:4) has passed, the mainnet stdlib v6 upgrade transaction is complete, and the following features are supported on the Starcoin mainnet:

1、New Oracle protocol, support general data oracle and price oracles. (#2732)

2、New NFT protocol which has builtin IdentifierNFT, GenesisNFT. (#2688, #2763, #2760, #2767, #2769, #2771, #2772)

3、Support contract account by using SignerCapability abstraction. (#2673)

4、Account::deposit support deposit zero token. (#2745)

5、Account supports the auto-accept-token feature. (#2745)

6、Add many script functions. (#2745, #2781)

7、Fix Math.mul_div. (#2775)




Written by Starcoin

Starcoin is a proof-of-work blockchain that enables secure smart contracts based on Move to power services in Web 3.0

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